Download your Onboarding Process Template here
Congratulations on making it this far on the road to creating a science-driven employee onboarding program.
Keep scrolling down to download more resources like checklists, onboarding business case calculators and more.
Learn more about onboarding technology
1. If you use the onboarding module in Workday you should read THIS article
2. If you use SuccessFactors Onboarding module you can read HERE to learn how to improve it.
3. Download the onboarding tech checklist HERE to assess your current onboarding technology and determine the most significant impact areas.
4. Visit THIS article to see how SMS-driven pre-boarding can help you streamline and ramp new hires up faster before and after day one.
What problems are your solving with better onboarding?
The first step is to assess where your company is on the employee onboarding spectrum from both the onboarding stakeholders’ and employees’ perspectives.
This will be key in helping to determine your company’s onboarding needs. Therefore, it is time to improve or create feedback mechanisms that help to gather this vital information.
1. Download HERE the list of top 10 onboarding issues that companies face and share it with onboarding stakeholders at your company. Instructions are at the top of the list.
2. Gather employee and onboarding stakeholder feedback using survey templates HERE specifically designed to assess your onboarding program immediately.
Chapter 2: Cultivating an Onboarding Mindset
Designing your onboarding experience
Designing an employee onboarding system takes a team. It’s crucial to involve onboarding stakeholders early on to get feedback and buy-in.
1. Think of the new hires at your company over the last few months. What has their journey been since they signed the job offer? Do they feel special? Were they warmly welcomed on their first day? Are their managers excited to receive them and make connections, or are they struggling to complete the compliance-related tasks?
Paint a picture of the new hire’s journey, and you will also be painting a picture of your organizational onboarding mindset.
2. Download the team reflection activity HERE to help determine the current onboarding mindset at your company.
Chapter 3: The Business Case for Onboarding
Build a business case for investing
It’s time to get started customizing a business case that conveys the urgency of creating a world-class onboarding plan for your company.
We will lead you through the steps of completing your business case worksheet and onboarding calculator to determine onboarding costs and ROI for your organization. Finally, we’ll connect you with an onboarding expert to help customize your business case proposal letter.
1. Download the business case worksheet HERE.
2. Access the onboarding calculator HERE.
3. Book a no-commitment call to get a customized business case proposal letter HERE.
Your onboarding maturity matters
1. Think about how the 6 C’s of onboarding apply to your organization. Refer to the chapter and write down your organization's strengths and weaknesses for each of the C’s: Compliance, clarification, confidence, connection, culture, and check backs. How are these integrated into your onboarding process?
2. Download a fillable onboarding maturity chart HERE to assess your company’s onboarding maturity level.
Build a science-driven onboarding program
1. Think about how the 6 C’s of onboarding apply to your organization. Refer to the chapter and write down your organization's strengths and weaknesses for each of the C’s: Compliance, clarification, confidence, connection, culture, and checkbacks. How are these integrated into your onboarding process?
2. Download a fillable onboarding maturity chart HERE to assess your company’s onboarding maturity level.
Chapter 6: Leveraging Technology for Onboarding
What is the right software for you?
At this point, you should have an outline of your employee onboarding process mapped, and it’s time to consider onboarding technology. Go to the onboarding workbook online to follow these final two steps.
1. Download the onboarding tech checklist HERE to assess your current onboarding technology and determine the most significant impact areas.
2. Review the comprehensive list of questions HERE to choose from when creating a request for information or proposal from employee onboarding software providers.